"Punctuation, in written language, the use of standard marks to clarify meaning. Punctuation marks are also used to help convey the emphases and breathing pauses natural to speech, to indicate sentence structure, and to enhance readability. Punctuation varies from language to language and preferences for specific marks vary from writer to writer, but, within any given text, consistency is stylistically favoured. The contemporary trend is towards a minimum of punctuation, with clarity as the main criterion for use." *
*****It is quizzical to begin a blog with an opening as such aforecited. But it is with this thought that I shall attempt to weave my thoughts regarding something I came across with. No deities this time as they tend to dislodge my mortal comprehension.
*****During our elementary days, we've been taught that there are four basic punctuations necessary to construct basic, readable and clear sentence structures. The period, comma, question mark and exclamation point.
*****The period marks the end of the sentence.
*****Commas represents a slight pause, and may also represent as a separator for words and figures.
*****Question marks symbolizes direct queries.
*****Exclamation points depict an interjection and thus expresses strong feeling, surprise or incredulity.
*****In the entire paragraphs of our lives, we humans often encounter many of these punctuation marks. These same marks, symbolizing similar stresses as they are used, differentiate the various statements within our paragraphs and thus bring about understanding and clarity in the course of our things.
*****Each experience that we encounter daily often uses a comma. We separate our thoughts with it. We use the same to pause for a while. We coordinate our adjectives, words or numbers that would confuse us without grouping it as such. And thus our existence becomes clearer with it.
*****Our question marks represent our unending search for answers.
*****Why? What? When? Where? How?
*****We constantly desire for direct answers, which when unanswered makes us restless. And that restlessness has pushed us to hypothesize, analyze, observe, and conclude. Which makes us all scientists.
*****And without exclamation points, how dull our lives must be. We cheer, yodel, and rejoice using our exclamation points. We grieve in disbelief. We get surprised, fear and for whatever extreme emotions we mark it with exclamation.
*****As with periods, we end sentences with it. As prior to our daily slumber, we pray to mark the end of our day, and thus a period. We agree and disagree with periods -- unless of course we are overjoyed and highly objecting, and thus exclaim, "Yes!" or "No!".
*****Hitherto, punctuation marks are merely specks in the aspect of our speeches, thoughts and actions. As with the manner of construction, each of our paragraphs are at our liberties as the authors. Although some statements therein may be misunderstood by the readers, in reference to their own statements (being authors themselves) that come in conflict with their deduction (being scientists themselves), for whatever our meaning, it is for our own selves to digest - as such be warned, that digestion is way different from feeding and/or eating. Because each of our statements is true to ourselves. We can never lie to our own selves, although we may seemingly see it as such as the result of our non-acceptance to such said truths.
*****Going back to periods. They terminate sentences. Some people mistake our ends with further periods and thus form ellipses. With which they understand our statements as something in continuity, ambiguity, and/or ommission.
*****Some just don't get it.
*****A period is a period. Period!
*****Never interweave another period to another once it has been set.
*****Mortals use periods. As mortals they have their ends.
*****Deities and other beings and objects in mythological stories use ellipses. They live forever to rack the brains of mortals.
*Microsoft Encarta 2005