July 25, 2008

Government + Tax = Public Service*

"The fundamental purpose of government is the maintenance of basic security and public order — without which individuals cannot attempt to find happiness."**
From the aforementioned quote, it can be deduced that government should bring smiles on peoples' faces. That only possible if the government and all her agencies could provide the services required of them.

Basically, I do not rant against politics and and government. But I've come to the point getting pissed off with matters concerning services I've requested from three of our government agencies***. So far, the common denominator among those agencies is that they are fast enough. Don't react yet. They rev up when it comes to collecting the required payments for the services you've requested for and sadly so slow when it comes to getting the service you have requested for.

And so to quote JFK, "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." Phew! The soaring taxes and the ongoing surge of inflation should suffice that. And if JFK should have been President of this country during this time, I think he would be guilty to declare what I've quoted earlier.

Government must be synonimized with good service. Otherwise, who needs a government if whom they govern are not ensured with basic securities (and services, too).

Government must be synonimized with free public information. Otherwise, doubts arise why information is being kept off the public's scrutinizing eyes. Or perhaps they need payments for said information too?

Anyway, I remain in hope that things would get well with our country. And again, a good government is that government who collects minimal tax and yet capable of maximizing public service.

Oh before I forgot, I air my support to House Bill 4110, similar to the support given by Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Secretary Esperanza I. Cabral. With that approved, said soon-to-be-law could be deemed as one good service from the government - enabling the citizenry to have choices. That is better than plain lip service.

* Wish ko lang. (How I wish.)

** Schulze, Hagen (1994). States, Nations and Nationalism. Blackwell Publishers Inc, 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148, USA.

*** SSS Online Inquiry is not functioning. DOLE Downloads down. NSO Fails to do Quality Output on their Issued Forms.