On the way to the bakery I chanced upon an orange colored paper that appeared like a P20 bill from a distance. The hour has darkened the surrounding and only the street lights provide the necessary luminosity - whereas insufficient to further detail decisions on things that one sees. As I had proven the litter as of monetary value, I attempted to pick it up, only to discover that it was a prank. Some kids had it intentionally lay across the street attached to a string such that for every attempt picking it up would flare laughter among their fold.
I am not much of a prankster, most specially to people of whom I have no close acquaintance whatsoever. On this case, if I were on their shoes, would not intend doing the same as they did. Darn, I was "pranked" upon on a Good Friday.
I continued with purchasing what I needed and in the course of buying, I had been scheming things on how to get even. Vengeance on a Good Friday. Holy cripes.
So I've been thinking, that I need to return to the bakery again to feign as the pranksters' new victim. In so doing, I need to change my clothes and wear a cap (perhaps) in order to fully implement my deceptive strategy. Having noticed the string to be nylon, I might need some scissors to have it cut. And so the whole concept is get the P20 bill and have it laughing my way to get it even. Should my vengeance result to violent reactions from their group, I have my scissors to defend myself.
And so my plan was set. Funny, I did not do the things I've planned. Just the same, I wanted to get even. So I walked, pretending to be innocent of their trap. As I neared the bill, I quickly stepped, putting all my weight on it. I could hear giggles, perhaps because the one on the strings end may have thought of himself as an angler with a fish attempting to bite his bait. I stepped on the exposed string using my other foot to prevent the predator from pulling the string back. And with much might dragged the bill underneath across the rough surface of the street.
The orange bill was torn.
I had my revenge.
And the predators told the prey, "You're so bad trip!"